Et Cetera

The Words & Writings of Sean Richmond

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Gone Home

The house is unfamiliar to you, strange and mysterious in its grandeur. Lightning flickers in the windows, the panes shaken by the accompanying thunder, briefly drowning out the constant patter of rain drops on the glass. You approach the door, and on it is a note from your little sister, Sam, warning you from exploring the house too thoroughly. She's gone, and she doesn't want to be found. Thus does Gone Home, a new game by the Fullbright Company begin.

You play as Katie Greenbriar, who is just arriving at her family's new home after traveling in Europe for a year. The year is 1995, and a lot has happened since you left. In search of answers, you ignore Sam's pleas explore the dark hallways of this old, and worn mansion. Clues are presented by examining objects that are scattered about the house: a crumpled note in a waste basket or an audio cassette in a sock drawer begin to unfold what happened in your absence.

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